Chapter 18
Put the Pareto Principle to Work
In This Chapter
• Learn the 80-20 rule
• Alter your approach to getting things done
• Find your own personal leverage
• Gain leverage from your resources
Vilfredo Pareto, born in 1848, observed a relationship between effort and results in 1906 that became the basis of the Pareto Principle, or what is now called the 80-20 rule. He observed that 80 percent of the land area in his native Italy was owned by only 20 percent of the population. Later, while he was gardening he realized 20 percent of the peapods he had planted accounted for 80 percent of the harvested peas.
You’ve likely heard of the 80-20 rule, but in this chapter we’re going to look at it in ways that may change how you approach tasks or even ...

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