Chapter 17
Create the Future State
In This Chapter
♦ Envision your future state
♦ Seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke
♦ Developing standard work procedures
♦ U-shaped work cells
♦ Improving equipment and maintenance
♦ Do you have the Kaizen Event in you?
You’ve left the Analyze phase and are now entering the world of Improve—the time when you ultimately end up with the exact equation Y = f(x) for your performance problem. In other words, you now know a lot about why your performance problem exists, and it’s time to carry that knowledge to its final destination: the place where you know exactly what needs to be done to solve your problem.
In this chapter, we cover some of the main Lean techniques you use to improve your process. As we have stated ...
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