We'll try to make our go-demo-2-api service available through the port 80. We'll do that by defining an Ingress resource with the rule to forward all requests with the path starting with /demo to the service go-demo-2-api.
Let's take a look at the Ingress' YAML definition:
cat ingress/go-demo-2-ingress.yml
The output is as follows:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: go-demo-2 annotations: ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false" spec: rules: - http: paths: - path: /demo backend: serviceName: go-demo-2-api servicePort: 8080
This time, metadata contains a field we haven't used before. The annotations section allows ...