Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing
John R. Smith, IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, New York, USA
5.1. Introduction
5.1.1. MPEG-7/-21 and UMA
5.1.2. UMA Architecture
5.1.3. Outline
5.2. MPEG-7 UMA
5.2.1. MPEG-7 Transcoding Hints
5.2.2. MPEG-7 Variations
5.3. MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation
5.3.2. Digital Item Configuration
5.3.3. Media Resource Adaptation
5.4.1. Image Transcoding
5.4.2. Image Transcoding Examples
5.5. Multimedia Content Selection
5.5.1. Resource Selection
5.5.2. Variation Selection
5.5.3. Selection Optimization
5.5.4. Example Selection
5.6. Summary
5.1 Introduction
With the growing ubiquity and portability of multimediaenabled devices,
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