
Note: Page numbers in italics refer to figures and those in bold type refer to tables

action-forcing mechanism in NEPA 3, 45, 8

administrative discretion 14

AES 83, 879, 90, 1023

air pollution: New Jersey 27

Alfred E. Driscoll Expressway: design concepts 31, 32; EIS evaluation 369; Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 325, 45; history of the proposal 301; opposition to and rejection of project 35, 203

Amaral, Annelle C. 131, 1367

Andrews, R.L. 13

Animas-La Plata (ALP) project 171,172, 173, 1778, 180, 198; Anglo-Americans 1756, 193; environmental impacts considered 1837, 184; environmentalists 1767, 193; evaluation of FEA 1924; FEA alternative actions 1827; Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) 1802; FONSI declaration 187 ...

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