Chapter 2Regenerative Innovation: Exploring the Potential of Digital Platforms for Ecosystem Health: How businesses can harness platform models for network effects, coordination and localization in service of societal and planetary health

Jessica Groopman

What Is Innovation in a Changing World?

The last two decades of business innovation have been characterized by the digital revolution: a period in which data and digital technologies permeated every industry, transformed business models and recalibrated global market dynamics.

Each technology trend and business opportunity outlined in this book relies upon a liveable planet and functional society. Yet, technologies, industry and economics broadly have become detached from their ecological and social foundations. Orienting business around short-term profits has detached innovation from the health of the whole

Looking forward, a new revolution in business innovation is taking shape. The role of innovation in the twenty-first century is to realign our technologies, organizations and markets in service of social and planetary well-being. This is, after all, critical for long-term resilience.

By reimagining the application of one of our most powerful tools, digital platforms, businesses can shift away from extractive, polarizing, waste-producing models. Instead, we can leverage platforms as tools to help regenerate life, borrowing design inspiration from billions of years of evolution to harness platform models for ecosystem ...

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