The Four Colors of Business Growth

Book description

Defining an organization by its growth strategy enables business leaders to make better decisions about the ways their companies compete. Anjan Thakor’s four categories of growth, which he arranges into the Competing Values Framework, delivers methods for developing strategies grounded in internal cultures and industry goals. Written for professionals, this book provides easy access to concepts in fields as diverse as corporate strategy, finance, organizational behavior, change management, and leadership.

  • Teaches ways to formulate a growth strategy and implement it through simple organizational interventions
  • Provides an intuitive framework and common language about growth strategies
  • Teaches readers how an effective growth strategy can boost stock price
  • Readers learn what kind of growth strategy will maximize the value of an organization
  • Readers with varied functional backgrounds can understand these concepts
  • Table of contents

    5. PREFACE
    7. CHAPTER 1. Growth Is Everywhere (1/2)
    8. CHAPTER 1. Growth Is Everywhere (2/2)
      1. Lessons
    9. CHAPTER 2. Growth Comes in Four Colors (1/2)
    10. CHAPTER 2. Growth Comes in Four Colors (2/2)
      1. The Competing Values Framework for Growth
      2. The CVF, Leadership, and Organizational Alignment
      3. Lessons
    11. CHAPTER 3. The Competing Values Framework Growth Strategies and the Stock Market
      1. Designing the Empirical Tests (1/2)
      2. Designing the Empirical Tests (2/2)
      3. Lessons
    12. CHAPTER 4. How to Know Which Color Your Growth Strategy Should Be
      1. The Seven-Step Strategy Formulation Process (1/2)
      2. The Seven-Step Strategy Formulation Process (2/2)
      3. Lessons
    13. CHAPTER 5. Alignment for Growth: The CVF’s Power in Aligning Organizations through a Common Language
      1. The Power of a Common Language (1/2)
      2. The Power of a Common Language (2/2)
      3. Lessons
    14. CHAPTER 6. Ideas for Yellow Growth Strategies
      1. How to Become a Better Yellow
      2. Why Positive Factors Don’t Get More Attention
      3. Beyond Abundance—Other Aspects of a Yellow Culture and Growth Strategy
      4. What a Strong Yellow Culture Does for Organizations
      5. Tools for Developing Leaders
      6. Lessons
    15. CHAPTER 7. Ideas for Red Growth Strategies
      1. What Good Red Companies Do To Grow
      2. What Leaders Need To Understand About Execution
      3. What Is a Culture Focused on Execution?
      4. Putting the Right People in the Right Place
      5. Performance Metrics and Alignment
      6. Lessons
    16. CHAPTER 8. Ideas for Blue Growth Strategies
      1. Growth Strategies of Blue Companies (1/4)
      2. Growth Strategies of Blue Companies (2/4)
      3. Growth Strategies of Blue Companies (3/4)
      4. Growth Strategies of Blue Companies (4/4)
      5. Respond to Market Changes in Your Value Driver
      6. Lessons
    17. CHAPTER 9. Ideas for Green Growth Strategies
      1. Green’s Breakthrough Ideas
      2. Does Innovation Have Any Generalizable Principles? (1/3)
      3. Does Innovation Have Any Generalizable Principles? (2/3)
      4. Does Innovation Have Any Generalizable Principles? (3/3)
      5. The Process of Innovation
      6. Some Thoughts on Innovation Opportunities for the Future
      7. Lessons
    18. CHAPTER 10. Wrapping Up
      1. Interpenetration of Opposites: Embracing the Paradox
      2. Designing and Implementing a Growth Strategy
      3. Concluding Message
    19. APPENDIX (1/2)
    20. APPENDIX (2/2)
    22. INDEX

    Product information

    • Title: The Four Colors of Business Growth
    • Author(s): Anjan V. Thakor
    • Release date: August 2011
    • Publisher(s): Elsevier Science
    • ISBN: 9780123852397