
Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables, respectively.


ABOR (accounting book of record), 368

ABSs (asset-backed securities), 172175, 174f

Absolute returns, hedge fund, 408

Academic research, 255256

Access persons, 43

Account executives, 13

Accounting book of record (ABOR), 357, 368

Accredited investors, 415

Accrual anomalies, 166n7

Accumulation phase, 334

Acquisitions, 463464

Active ETFs, 379, 381, 391392, 394

Active investing approach, 130132

Active portfolio management, 154157

Activism, 258264

hedge funds and, 407408

mutual funds and, 260264

stockholder, 260

Activist hedge funds, 260

Activist pension funds, 260

Adjusted gross income, IRAs and, 326

Administradoras de fondos de pensiones (AFPs), 481


of 401(k) plans, 319320

of mutual funds, 5

portfolio, 37

Administrative fees, 119, 333

ADRs (American Depositary Receipts), 440, 443

Advantages of mutual funds, 35

Advertising, 276

Advertising strategy, 294295

Advisory contracts, 36

Affiliated brokerage firms, 242

Affiliated transactions, 38

AFPs (administradoras de fondos de pensiones), 481

Africa, 453

Agency securities (agencies), 170172, 212

Aggressive orders, 231

Aging populations, 454, 454f

Ahorro previsional voluntario colectivo (APVC), 482

Ahorro previsional voluntario individual, 487n5

AIFMD, see Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive

AIFMD Marketing Passport, 473

ALFI (Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry), 468


for HFT, 233, 234

for mutual ...

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