4Model President and CEO Position Description

Richard W. Leblanc, FCMC, CMC-AF, BSc, MBA, LLB, JD, LLM, PhD

Professor of Governance, Law & Ethics, York University, and Independent Governance Advisor


The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) provides effective leadership and vision to the Organization. The CEO sets the “tone” for Senior Management and all Employees to foster ethical and responsible decision-making, effective management, and best-in-class governance practices.

The CEO is appointed by the Board of Directors (Board) of the Organization and is accountable to the Board for (1) the management and administration of the Organization; (2) the supervision of the Organization’s Senior Management and other employees; and (3) carrying out the roles and responsibilities assigned by the Board and within all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements.

The CEO determines and sets policy and operational decisions in accordance with Board oversight of organizational strategy, risk, performance and governance policies. The CEO reports the Organization’s strategy, risk and performance ...

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