Figures and Tables


3.1 Evolutionary model for GMCP institutions

4.1 ICT access in the developing and developed world, 2000 and 2007–8

7.1 Dimensions of power

8.1 Number of postings on the IG mailing list per month

22.1 Media policy involves choices in balancing social welfare objectives

25.1 Interconnected trade regimes and processes in the Caribbean

26.1 Communications Portfolio Committee organizations

26.2 Interrelationship among legislative bodies within ambit of broadcasting legislation

27.1 Critical discourse analysis framework applied to regulation

27.2 Linguistic choices available to language users

27.3 Semantic map of definitional shifts 1966–1989

27.4 Semantic map of regulatory definitions in the final decision of 1971 First Computer Inquiry

27.5 Semantic map of regulatory definitions from 1977 Supplemental Notice in Second Computer Inquiry

27.6 Semantic map of regulatory definitions from 1979 Tentative Decision in Second Computer Inquiry

32.1 Ofcom’s view of the future regulation of the audiovisual sector


7.1 Three key fantasies of policy

8.1 Distribution of participants by region

8.2 Participants by gender

8.3 Participants by affiliation

9.1 Media reform movement activities

9.2 Media reform policy issues

13.1 Three varieties of “public service” broadcasting

18.1 Selected Arab media laws and regulations

20.1 Typology of methodological and theoretical approaches within communication for development

21.1 Why cultural products are not like ordinary commodities ...

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