The IMAGE Function in Excel

Video description

If you're a Microsoft 365 user or use Excel for the web, this lesson is for you – the IMAGE function is exclusive to these versions. We explore the application of the IMAGE function to import company logos into your spreadsheet. Use the IMAGE function to dynamically fetch company logos using URLs.

Learn how to concatenate cell references, incorporate website URLs, and enhance your spreadsheet with this function. This lesson shares how to leverage the IMAGE function's capabilities, so watch, learn, and elevate your Excel game.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover how to effectively use the IMAGE function in Microsoft 365 Excel to import company logos into your spreadsheet.

Table of contents

  1. The IMAGE Function in Excel

Product information

  • Title: The IMAGE Function in Excel
  • Author(s): Assemble You Limited
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Publisher(s): Assemble You
  • ISBN: None