Chapter 6The Anatomy of the Mindset of Discovery


One of the great blessings in my life is that the person who most often and most clearly demonstrates the mindset of discovery to me also happens to be my best friend and wife. Jenni seems to migrate to, sustain, and most naturally exist in this mindset. There are many days when I am sincerely jealous of what seems to be her effortless ability to approach life this way. Although Jenni works very hard at practicing and staying innovatively fit, being in the mindset of discovery seems to be almost her natural state.

The same isn't true for me. I remember a specific example of how her mindset choice blew me away.

In a relatively short amount of time, we had gotten the following news as a couple and as business owners:

  • The two gentlemen who had co-directed and run our school of improvisation for five years were both leaving to take corporate jobs—at the same time.
  • The building that had originally housed our theater (which we relocated in 2011) for almost 50 years and, after that, our school, was going to be sold, and we would need to move out within months.

This news came right on the heels of Jenni completing a miraculous journey of amazing hard work, innovation, and passion as she co-founded, chaired the board of directors, raised $5 million, bought and refurbished a building, hired an executive director and staff, and opened ...

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