Ondylion City
Guilds of Historica is an online
building community. People can
join one of the guilds, share
their models, and participate
in building challenges. Each
guild has a different focus,
so builders can join one that
fits their style and interests.
For more information, visit:
www.euro bricks.com/forum/
index. php?showforum=145/.
Ok, lets
do it!
Wow, this is a very tidy strt!
Not one LEGO brick out of
place. Perhaps the Destructor
hasnt found it yet. I’ have a
lk around, just in case.
Oh hi, Megs,
I’mYvoe. Im glad
you like my strt.
Would you like to
join me for cake?
Oh that would
be very nice.
thank you.
Just visiting.
Everything here
isso beautiful!
Heo there!
Are you new

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