1.Generation X in theWorkplace


Who is Generation X?

Generation X is the post-baby-boomer generation of Americans. Born between 1963 and 1977, they account for 33.6% of the 125 million people in the United States’ workforce (as of 1996).

In what jobs and industries do they work?

Generation Xers occupy a broad spectrum of jobs, as the following list illustrates.

OccupationComputer systems analysts & scientistsComputer programmersSecretariesReceptionistsFile clerksLawyersFinancial service workersRetail & personal sales workersRetail cashiersPhysiciansOccupational therapistsHealth techniciansParalegals

Xers Percentage     34%     39.8%     29%     43%     52.8%     26%     36.9%     50.5%     58%     19%     49.4%     45.6%     41%

All percentages ...

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