The Manager's Pocket Guide to Effective Meetings

Book description

A very practical and informative title from the Managers Pocket Guide series. Learn easy, proven techniques that keep you in control of your meetings. This complete guide to effective meetings will show you how to prepare for success and end with results. It includes structured activities that keep everyone focused on your issues, practical techniques for dealing with unproductive participants, and essential considerations for high tech meetings. If you hold meetings, this book is a must!

Table of contents

  1. The Manager's Pocket Guide to Effective Meetings
    1. Copyright
    2. Introduction: Meetings—Business Quagmire or Valuable Activity?
      1. Quick Quiz
      2. Executive Summary—Here’s What to Do
      3. The Benefits of Reading This Book
    3. Section 1: The Elements of an Effective Meeting
      1. Chapter 1: When to Hold a Meeting (1/2)
      2. Chapter 1: When to Hold a Meeting (2/2)
        1. An Important Definition
        2. Does This Exclude Staff Meetings?
        3. Leave These Activities Out of a Meeting
        4. Key Ideas
      3. Chapter 2: How to Prepare an Agenda That Works (1/3)
      4. Chapter 2: How to Prepare an Agenda That Works (2/3)
      5. Chapter 2: How to Prepare an Agenda That Works (3/3)
        1. The Essential First Step
        2. How to Prepare an Agenda
        3. Parts of an Agenda
        4. Sample Agenda
        5. What to Do With an Agenda
        6. How to Guarantee a Bad Meeting
        7. Key Ideas
      6. Chapter 3: Process Tools That Keep You in Control (1/5)
      7. Chapter 3: Process Tools That Keep You in Control (2/5)
      8. Chapter 3: Process Tools That Keep You in Control (3/5)
      9. Chapter 3: Process Tools That Keep You in Control (4/5)
      10. Chapter 3: Process Tools That Keep You in Control (5/5)
        1. Why Process Tools?
        2. What Are Process Tools?
        3. Applications
        4. General Characteristics
        5. Process Tool #1: Idea Harvest
        6. Different Types of Idea Harvests
        7. Process Tool #2: Balanced Dialogue
        8. Process Tool #3: Voting
        9. How to Prevent Discussions From Wasting Time
        10. Why You Should Use Process Tools Revisited
        11. What’s Next? Action Items
        12. Key Ideas
      11. Chapter 4: Action Items That Lead to Results (1/2)
      12. Chapter 4: Action Items That Lead to Results (2/2)
        1. Four Elements
        2. Task
        3. Who
        4. Completion Date
        5. Resources
        6. Examples of Action Items
        7. Leadership in Meetings
        8. Key Ideas
    4. Section 2: Leadership in Meetings
      1. Chapter 5: Leaders Create a Productive Environment (1/2)
      2. Chapter 5: Leaders Create a Productive Environment (2/2)
        1. The Ideal Meeting
        2. Tell People They’re Important
        3. Set Ground Rules
        4. Smile
        5. Actions Shout Your True Intentions
        6. The Real Test
        7. Key Ideas
      3. Chapter 6: How to Deal With Amazing Ideas (1/2)
      4. Chapter 6: How to Deal With Amazing Ideas (2/2)
        1. Become a Cultural Environmentalist
        2. Amazing Ideas That Can Be Ignored
        3. Statements That Require a Response
        4. Good News About Safe Environments
        5. Key Ideas
      5. Chapter 7: Tips for Facilitators (1/2)
      6. Chapter 7: Tips for Facilitators (2/2)
        1. An Important Difference
        2. The Facilitator Manages Communication
        3. Changing From Facilitator to Participant
        4. Dealing With Unproductive Behavior
        5. Key Ideas
      7. Chapter 8: What to Do When Problems Appear
        1. Expect Surprises
        2. Diplomacy Conveys Strength
        3. General Approach
        4. Key Ideas
      8. Chapter 9: How to Stop Unproductive Behavior (1/5)
      9. Chapter 9: How to Stop Unproductive Behavior (2/5)
      10. Chapter 9: How to Stop Unproductive Behavior (3/5)
      11. Chapter 9: How to Stop Unproductive Behavior (4/5)
      12. Chapter 9: How to Stop Unproductive Behavior (5/5)
        1. An Important Limitation
        2. Situation: Multiple Conversations
        3. Is It Okay to Ask If It’s Okay?
        4. Situation: Drifting From the Topic
        5. Situation: Quiet Participants
        6. Situation: Dominant Participants
        7. Situation: Deadlocked Discussions
        8. Situation: Filibuster
        9. Situation: Personal Attacks
        10. Situation: Outbursts
        11. Key Ideas
      13. Chapter 10: How to Save an Unmanageable Meeting (1/2)
      14. Chapter 10: How to Save an Unmanageable Meeting (2/2)
        1. Two Trump Cards
        2. Action #1: End the Meeting
        3. Action #2: Call a Break
        4. Key Ideas
    5. Section 3: Telephones, Video, and Computers
      1. Chapter 11: Audioconference Meetings (1/2)
      2. Chapter 11: Audioconference Meetings (2/2)
        1. What They Are
        2. Applications
        3. Benefits of Audioconferences
        4. Special Considerations
        5. What to Do
        6. Key Ideas
      3. Chapter 12: Videoconference Meetings (1/3)
      4. Chapter 12: Videoconference Meetings (2/3)
      5. Chapter 12: Videoconference Meetings (3/3)
        1. What They Are
        2. Two products are worth mentioning.
        3. Applications
        4. Benefits of Videoconferences
        5. Special Considerations
        6. What to Do
        7. Types of Video Systems
        8. What to Wear
        9. Key Ideas
      6. Chapter 13: Videoconference Equipment (1/4)
      7. Chapter 13: Videoconference Equipment (2/4)
      8. Chapter 13: Videoconference Equipment (3/4)
      9. Chapter 13: Videoconference Equipment (4/4)
        1. Rent or Buy?
        2. Type of System
        3. Frame Rate
        4. Sound
        5. Transmission Systems
        6. Other Equipment
        7. Key Ideas
      10. Chapter 14: Computer-Aided Meetings (1/3)
      11. Chapter 14: Computer-Aided Meetings (2/3)
      12. Chapter 14: Computer-Aided Meetings (3/3)
        1. What They Are
        2. Applications
        3. Benefits
        4. Special Considerations
        5. What to Do
        6. Key Ideas
      13. Chapter 15: Yes, You Can!
        1. A Final Thought
      14. Suggested Reading
      15. About Steve Kaye, Ph.D.

Product information

  • Title: The Manager's Pocket Guide to Effective Meetings
  • Author(s): Steve Kaye Ph.D.
  • Release date: January 1998
  • Publisher(s): HRD Press
  • ISBN: 9780874254495