Chapter 1The Matriarch Is the CEO

I had created my first good habit. Each night before I went to bed, I wrote that list of things I liked about myself. What started with a search for three simple behaviors had grown to a list of 10, and then 15, and then 20, and so on. I began writing with confidence as I became more and more accountable for how I lived my life and, low and behold, my self-esteem began to grow. What's interesting is that as my self-esteem increased, I found that I was becoming more and more dissatisfied with settling for whatever life threw my way. I think what I was experiencing was called self-worth, and I, Randy Patterson, was becoming increasingly more worthy by the day.

But what is most important in this life lesson, and what I'm begging you to hear, is that I, me, just me, is what changed things. The power had been within me all along, but no external source could ignite it until I decided it was time. Somehow, with a tiny bit of support, I became ready and decided the time was now. Monica may have told me to write a list, but she didn't write it, and she had no power to get me to do it. She just seemed to care. And that was what I needed to get ready enough to do it. Now, you may think that you don't have a Monica, but that's just another lie you tell yourself so you can remain convinced that you suck.

You have a Monica. I am your Monica. And YOU don't suck!

For me, the momentum really started to build when I began asking myself the very same questions ...

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