
Aberdeen Group, 321

Accelerance, 144145

Accenture, 185

Acton, James, 295

Addiction, digital, 309310

Adobe, 120, 169170

Africa, 276277

The Age of the Platform (Simon), 75

A.I.G., 293

Aircell, 46

Air France 447 crash, 295

Airlines, 4647. See also specific airline, 31, 81, 8687, 114116, 159, 168169, 175176, 183184, 317318

Kindle, 67, 28, 93, 174, 244246

Lab126, 93

Shareholder 2010 letter (case study), 323326

Amazon Web Services, 273

AMBER Alerts, 12

Ambidextrous technology executives, needs for, 7778

American Hospital Supply, 331

Analytics-driven business models, 181182

Anderson, Scott, 317318

Andreessen-Horowitz, 260

Andreessen, Marc, 260

Android, 113114, 121, 179, 212, 242

Appirio, 117

Apple, 56, 2527, 31, 4143, 5758, 76, 82, 117, 145, 173174, 176178, 183184, 212213, 217218

case study, 163171

as category killer, 199200

“conflict minerals” report, 277

Corporate Social Responsibility Report, 274275

executives, valuable, 99100

renewal, 4546

Supplier Responsibility Program Report, 274

App stores, 112, 117118

“Arab Spring,” 62

“Area 51,” 215217

Armistead, Bill, 250

Armstrong, Lance, 261

Arthur Andersen, 185

AS/400, 112

AT&T, 4, 160, 177, 184, 202, 212

Attorneys, influence on technology, 225239

Auby, Karen, 108

Automation, 143

Avenue100, 88

Bailey, Don, 215

Baker Tilly, 7980, 101

Ball, Lucille, 96

Ballmer, Steve, 121

Barnes, David, 19, 20

Barnes & Noble Nook, 93, 100, 213, 244

Barra, Hugo, 113

Bayes Theorem, 4748

Beavers, Robyn,

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