
Chapter Summaries

Part 1: Think

The first part of the book is about changing the way we think about healthcare. By focusing on personal experiences and on human needs, I create a vision for the ideal healthcare system.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1 begins with an introduction to design thinking and the experience economy—two foundational concepts that are central to the book. I was inspired to bring these concepts into healthcare after reading Tim Brown's book Change by Design, in which Brown discusses the elements of design thinking and experience innovation across products, services, and systems. I used the design thinking process as a framework for this book.

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that translates observations into insights and insights into products and services that improve lives. It's a unique process because it gets people involved from the very beginning and makes human needs central to each step of innovation. The process looks like this:

Design thinking process. A row of 5 overlapping circles depict discovery (shaded), criteria (shaded), inspiration, ideation, and implementation. Arrows from Inspiration converge in Implementation.

My team and I at Remedy—a start-up focused on pain management—used design thinking to get our product off the ground, and I share a brief story about how we got started. We began by thoroughly understanding the needs and the experiences of pain patients and providers, something we don't do as often as we should in healthcare.

Today's world has been characterized as the experience ...

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