Glossary terms and the pages on which they appear are set in boldface type.
ACP states (African, Caribbean, and Pacific), 227
adjustment policies, 72
and Gorbachev's foreign policy initiatives, 335
Soviet invasion of, 169, 323, 329, 331
withdrawal of Soviet troops from, 333
Africa, 164
debt relief and, 200
and role of Paris Club, 190
African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) states, 227
agriculture, 53, 74, 77, 81, 84–85, 86, 188–89, 235, 239, 251
and China's household responsibility system, 349–50
Gorbachev's “new agrarian policy” and, 334
and MacSharry proposals, 85
neglect of, in Third World countries, 174
and North-South System, 174–75
Soviet Union and, 323, 328–29, 334
aid. See foreign aid
Alaska, ...
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