

Adventurers, 143146, 147t

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension! (film), 144

Age, becoming better with, 184185

and lifelong learning, 185189

and staying healthy, 193195

and understanding different perspectives, 189193

Alignment, 2330

and core ideology, 41

and horizontal alignment, 2630

and ideology, 2324

and inputs/outputs, 2426

in organizational development, 24, 25f

Allen, Woody, on making God laugh, 15

Alomar, Sandy, 39

Animals, interactive styles of, 135138


Balance, creating, 99105

Baseball, 123124

Behavior, consistency of, 58

Best Friends, 126128, 129t

The Big Bang Theory (television show), 116

Bistro Boys, 189190

Blind spot, 56

Bracewell, Dee Dee, 14

Brain, cognitive functions of the, 33

Breaking the rules, 8286

Briggs, Katharine, 81

Business class, flying, 8286


Cabernet Sauvignon, 9495

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 174

Change, ability of people to, 171173

Chicago, Illinois, 108109


examining our, 3334

of Romantics, 7475

Chronic stress, 104

Coach, flying, 8286

Cognitive development, 33

Cognitive schemas, 911

Collective unconscious, 55

Common pattern, 61

Complementary balance, 110111

Consistency, of behavior, 58

Contrasting balance, 110111

Core ideology, 24, 3148

and cognitive development, 33

and desired outputs, 3641

and horizontal alignment, 2627

identifying your, 4147

inputs contributing to, 3436

and vertical alignment, 4748

Crusaders, 132133, 134t

Cummings, Thomas, 24, 25


Decker, Coach, 124125 ...

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