3One More Try

It ain't over ’til it's over.

—Yogi Berra

IF YOU EVER WANT TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING MEANINGFUL IN YOUR LIFE, the strategy you must master is One More Try.

Here's why.

One More Try doesn't run in an isolated path in your life. It's an overarching concept that links to many of the other strategies in this book.

One of the core beliefs I hold is the importance of compounding. Compounding takes place when you attempt One More Try, time and time again. When you're successful in implementing a One More Try mentality, you'll create and compound more wins for yourself.

Each of those wins creates an incremental advancement toward your goals. You stack them on top of each other to produce significant long‐term changes in your life.

Here's a simple example that illustrates the point. When you were a child, the first time you tried to ride a bicycle, you didn't do so well, did you? You probably started with training wheels, going slow, and with your mom or your dad by your side to steady you.

As you climbed on your bike day after day, you got better at learning how to balance, pedal, and go forward. Eventually, those training wheels came off, and slowly but surely you started to ride away on your own. Not long after that, you were whizzing up and down streets and sidewalks without a care in the world. And your life had changed forever.

Until you understand and embrace the fundamental, life‐changing power of One More Try, you won't fully understand why it's essential to try and ...

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