17One More Degree of Equanimity

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

—Victor E. Frankl, neurologist, psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor


In basic terms, equanimity is achieving serenity and mental calmness in a world filled with stressors. But it's much more than that. Equanimity is the quiet glue that underpins a lot of the other ideas in this book. To reach the highest level of these strategies, you must do so with an advanced degree of equanimity.

I am a strong proponent of equanimity. And I think you should be, too.

The Essence of Equanimity

Equanimity originates from the Latin word æquanimitas (having an even mind). It is the result of combining aequus (even) and animus (mind/soul).

Searching for an even mind and soul is an elusive virtue. People spend lifetimes in search of equanimity, me included. I've struggled to find calmness throughout my life. For me, finding equanimity is easier in low‐stress situations. However, it's a lot more valuable when I can summon it under duress. By better understanding what equanimity is and putting it into practice, my paths to success take less time, and are more frequent and substantial.

Start with this fact.

We can't control the vast majority of what goes on in our lives. We can dream, set standards and goals, and adjust our thinking and actions in a dozen different ways. ...

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