2.1 Petronas' dual career progression path

4.1 IM, IB, and IS as fields of inquiry: a Venn diagram approach

7.1 The cognitive map of IB research

7.2 Issue—theory interaction in IB

8.1 Carroll's pyramid of corporate social responsibility

8.2 Visser's CSR observation in Africa

8.3 Freeman's stakeholder model of the corporation

8.4 Freeman's stakeholder model for the US based international corporation

8.5 Sustainability

8.6 Corporate citizenship

11.1 An interdisciplinary framework

17.1 Drivers and initiatives for the development of international management education in Southeast Asia

21.1 The relationship between e-learning and m-learning

21.2 Vernon's Product Life Cycle

21.3 Gartner's Hype Cycle

27.1 Universal and entrepreneurial ...

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