The Six Dimensions of Project Management

Book description

Master the Six Dimensions of the Project Management Universe!
Learn how to turn constraints into resources to achieve project objectives! Through case studies and practical exercises, The Six Dimensions of Project Management demonstrates the six possible combinations (or dimensions) of the “hierarchy of constraints"" (time, cost, and performance existing in a hierarchy of driver, middle and weak constraint) and the specific set of challenges and opportunities associated with each. Project managers will learn how to recognize a project's dimension and, by understanding its set of problems and resources, get the job done on time, on budget, and to spec!

You will uncover hidden flexibility, unlock valuable new resources, discover threats before they turn into problems, and win the admiration of customers and projects sponsors alike. You'll learn:
•How to use the “inner purpose” of a project to empower project mangers and team players
•Why certain kinds of failure point the way to higher levels of success
•What creates opposition to your project—and how to leverage it for your benefit
•Where to look to find creative opportunities on every project

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. About the Author
  5. Dedication
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Preface
    1. CHAPTER 1 Into the Sixth Dimension!
      1. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
      2. Good, Fast, or Cheap? Pick Two
      3. The $64,000 Question
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
    2. CHAPTER 2 Succeeding and Failing on Constraint Management
      1. Effective Leverage: Houston, We Have a Project
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      2. Ineffective Leverage: When Failure Is Failure
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
    3. CHAPTER 3 The Triple Constraints
      1. Ways to Define Triple Constraint Categories
      2. Triplets, Quadruplets, and More
      3. Understanding Why
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
    4. CHAPTER 4 The Hierarchy of Constraints
      1. Exploiting the Weak Constraint
      2. Who Decides the Right Hierarchy of Constraints?
      3. Strategies to Identify the Correct Hierarchy
      4. Can You Have Two Drivers Simultaneously?
      5. Can the Hierarchy of Constraints Change?
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
    1. CHAPTER 5 Powers of Six
      1. Time-Driven Projects
      2. Performance-Driven Projects
      3. Cost-Driven Projects
      4. Six Dimensions, Seven Nights
    2. CHAPTER 6 Strategies for Managing Time-Driven Projects
      1. How Serious Is That Deadline?
      2. Time-Driven Projects: Four Case Studies
      3. Sweeping Out the Nation’s Attic
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      4. Building a New Bomber
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      5. To the Moon, Alice!
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      6. Go Down, Moses
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      7. Cost As the Weak Constraint
    3. CHAPTER 7 Strategies for Managing Performance-Driven Projects
      1. Features and Benefits
      2. Diplomacy with the Addition of Other Means
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      3. (I Did It) My Way
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      4. If You Build It, Will They Come?
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      5. Let’s Go to the Tape
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      6. Time As the Weak Constraint
    4. CHAPTER 8 Strategies for Managing Cost-Driven Projects
      1. Money Makes the World Go ‘Round
      2. Cost-Driven Projects: Four Case Studies
      3. Pigs in Space
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      4. Tilt!
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      5. The Two Towers
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      6. A Third-Rate Burglary
        1. Triple Constraints Principles
      7. Performance As the Weak Constraint
    1. CHAPTER 9 Conflict Management and Multiple Stakeholders
      1. When Elephants Fight
      2. Negotiating Stakeholder Conflicts: Effective Resolution
      3. Negotiating Stakeholder Conflicts: Ineffective Resolution
    2. CHAPTER 10 The Power of Three
  11. Bibliography
  12. Index

Product information

  • Title: The Six Dimensions of Project Management
  • Author(s): Michael S. Dobson, Heidi A. Feickert
  • Release date: June 2007
  • Publisher(s): Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • ISBN: 9781567263909