Chapter 20Agile Kickoff: The First Six Months

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

—Lewis Carroll, English writer of children's fiction

How does a team or an organization get started with Agile to ensure sustainability? Do you start small or make a large, public commitment and reorganize everyone from the start into cross-functional teams? What training and coaching do you need? What do the first six months look like?

Creating the Vision

Lewis Carroll summed it up years ago, but many organizations still start the journey to Agile marketing with only a vague idea of where they want to go. They want better, faster, and more responsive—without looking at what these adjectives mean for their organizations.

The leader, with the help of the team, creates a vision—a desired future state—for Agile marketing. It is aspirational. It's a departure, in clearly defined ways, from the current state. The vision must answer three questions:

  1. What problems do we want to solve?
  2. What does success look like?
  3. How do we know we're improving?

The Find Your Why exercise in Chapter 5 helped your organization answer the first two questions. The following exercise will help you boil down the results of that exercise into a poster.

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