1. Benjamin, Ruha, Race After Technology (New York: Wiley, 2019).
  2. Bernholz, Lucy, How We Give Now: A Philanthropic Guide for the Rest of Us (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2021).
  3. Bostrom, Nick, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2014).
  4. Carr, Nicholas, The Glass Cage (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2015).
  5. Carr, Nicholas, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010).
  6. Eubanks, Virginia, Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police and Punish the Poor (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2017).
  7. Igo, Sarah E., The Known Citizen: A History of Privacy in Modern America (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018).
  8. Juma, Calestous, Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).
  9. Kanter, Beth, and Sherman, Aliza, The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout (New York: Wiley, October, 2016).
  10. Lanier, Jaron, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto (New York: First Vintage Books, 2010).
  11. O'Neil, Cathy, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (New York: Penguin Random House, 2016).
  12. Scott, Kevin, Reprogramming The American Dream: From Rural America to Silicon Valley—Making AI Serve Us (New York: HarperCollins, 2020).
  13. Shirky, Clay, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations (New York: Penguin Group, 2009).
  14. Shattuck, ...

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