Tool 65

Proverbial problem solving

What the tool is

Small groups are given a number of proverbs and must use them to stimulate thinking about issues within their team or organisation.

When to use it

  • When a team is struggling to find insight into organisational issues using more conventional methods.

What you will need

  • A printed list of proverbs – one copy per participant. You can find comprehensive lists on many websites. Select around 10 that are relatively easy to understand.

How to use it

  1. Compile and print a list of proverbs. You might like to include, for example:
    • ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth.’
    • ‘A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.’
    • ‘Better safe than sorry.’
    • ‘A rolling stone gathers no moss.’
  2. Distribute the list ...

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