

Chapter 1

1.Art Kleiner, “Management Bites Dog Food Factory,” Fast Company Magazine, June–July 1996, 44–46.

2.Charles A. Aubrey II and Patricia K. Felkins, Teamwork: Involving People in Quality and Productivity Improvement, White Plains, N.Y.: Quality Resources, 1988, 2.

3.Jack D. Orsburn, Linda Moran, Ed Museelwhite, and John H. Zenger, Self-Directed Work Teams, Homewood, Ill.: Business One Irwin, 1990, 15.

4.Teamwork: Your Role in Developing the Winning Edge. Supervisory Skills Program, Waterford, CT: Bureau of Business Practice, 1987.

5.Aubrey and Felkins, .

6.Lawrence Miller and Jennifer Howard, Managing Quality Through Teams: A Workbook ...

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