8Training Evaluation

Jonathan Passmore and Maria Joao Velez


Training evaluation consists of the systematic collection of data regarding the success of training programs (Goldstein, 1986). While this is considered fundamental in relation to the achievement of intended outcomes of training and whether training objectives have been achieved (Kraiger, Ford, & Salas, 1993) the reality of human resources practice is that training evaluation is often neglected or delivered as an afterthought.

Several models, taxonomies, or frameworks for evaluation exist. This chapter sets out to provide a brief critical review of some of the commonly used training evaluation models, including Kirkpatrick, Phillip’s ROI, CIPP, CIRO, Brinkerhoff, IPO, HRD Evaluation and Research, Success Case Method, Dessinger-Moseley Full-Scope (DeSimone, Werner, & Harris, 2002), as well as the SOAP-M evaluation model, a recently proposed model, which seeks to offer a practical framework for use in real world settings (Passmore & Velez, 2012). In reviewing these models the chapter critically reviews research studies that have sought to apply these models in practice.

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