A global software powerhouse, a bank that changed the very definition of innovation, and a technological and research leader with envied brand recognition in industries as diverse as defense, intelligence, and health care. Together, these three companies represent more than half a million employees and partners who have filed in and out of almost 100 million square feet of offices – the equivalent of five of the largest stadiums in the world – every day. These workplaces, and the work done within by the talented workers, have fueled lifestyles, successes, prosperity, security, and health around the world.

Workplaces have served as gathering spaces for generations of workers in pursuit of success, but, just as important, as places where people find fulfilment, a sense of belonging, and opportunities to learn and grow. In varying measures, organizations have used their workplaces and offices as sources of competitive advantage.

For these three companies, and many more in the following pages, workplaces are where brands are created, unique cultures are fostered and environments fashioned to inspire the contributions of the workforce. Their leaders view the workplace as foundational to business success and are willing to invest in creating welcoming, friendly spaces that, in turn, allow their people to prosper. These are just three stories to inspire as we look at the ways in which work is evolving and at the workplace we need now.

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