Tourism Destination Development

Book description

Although destination management is regarded as the supreme discipline in tourism management, little attention is paid to destination development, especially from a geographical perspective. This book analyses destination development and proposes key strategies for a positive destination development in the future in regard to sustainability, accessibility and economic prosperity. International scholars from a range of disciplines explore current issues in destination development and propose solutions that can help policy-makers prepare for future challenges. This book includes case studies from all around the globe to illustrate the diversity of destination development. This book thus offers students, colleagues from the scientific community as well as practitioners and political decision-makers numerous suggestions, considerations and decision-making aids with regard to destination development.

Table of contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. Markus Pillmayer, Marion Karl, Marcus Hansen The Need to Engage with Destination Development
    1. Reasons for This Book on Destination Development
    2. Parts within This Book
  4. Part I: Developing Competitive Destinations
    1. Thaana Ghalia Tourism Destinations: Risk, Management and Communication
      1. Tourism: Its Importance and Vulnerability
      2. Tourism and Risks
      3. Risk and Risk Management: Background
      4. Risk Management for Tourism Destinations
      5. Risk Management and Communication: Practice and Ethics
      6. Case Studies
      7. Risks, Communication and Realities
      8. Perceived Risks: Management and Communication
      9. The Canary Islands
      10. Dubai
      11. Disaster and Recovery
      12. Conclusion
    2. Haiyang Xia, Birgit Muskat, Marion Karl, Gang Li Destination Competitiveness and AI-based Methods
      1. Destination and Destination Competitiveness
      2. What Does Destination Competitiveness Mean?
      3. How Can Destination Competitiveness Be Conceptualised and Measured?
      4. Innovation in Destination Competitiveness
      5. Summary and Implications
    3. Anja Berghammer, Elisabeth Bartl Change Management Approaches to Encounter Rural Overtourism
      1. Regional Overtourism: A ‘New’ Form of Overtourism?
      2. Carrying Capacity as an Approach and Applied Tool to Encounter Overtourism in Destinations
      3. Organisational Change Management – Principles, Levels and Process Model
      4. Individual and Structural Levels: Stakeholder Analysis
      5. Case Study Tegernsee-Schliersee in the Bavarian Alpine Foothills – A Rural Destination Encountering Regional Overtourism through Change Management
      6. Selected Results: Too Many Cooks Make the Broth Complex
      7. Conclusion – Common Vision and Mutual Understanding as Basis for Successful Implementation
    4. Julian Reif, Dirk Schmücker, Lisa Naschert, Eric Horster Visitor Management in Tourism Destinations: Current Challenges in Measuring and Managing Visitors’ Spatio-Temporal Behaviour
      1. Introduction
      2. Management and Measurement of Tourists in Destinations
      3. Current Challenges for Visitor Measurement and Management in Community-Based Destinations
      4. Selected Challenges in Measuring Visitors Digitally
      5. Conclusion
    5. Anne Köchling, Bernd Eisenstein Supporting Economically and Socially Sustainable Destination Development through Branding: Opportunities and Challenges
      1. Introduction
      2. Destination Image and Destination Branding
      3. Challenges in Destination Branding
      4. Towards a Destination Branding Approach that Supports Economically and Socially Sustainable Destination Development
      5. Conclusion
  5. Part II: Developing Sustainable Destinations
    1. Elena Eckert, Eva Posch From Global Frameworks to Local Meanings: Assessing Resilience for Sustainable Destinations through the Lens of Transdisciplinary Research
      1. Introduction
      2. Sustainability, Resilience and the Complexities of Assessment
      3. Conceptual Baseline and Methodology for Resilience Assessment
      4. Results from the Case Studies Based on TDR
      5. Potentials and Limitations of TDR for Making Resilient and Sustainable Development Locally Meaningful
      6. Conclusion
    2. Philipp Corradini, Matteo Rizzari Destination Resilience in the Context of COVID-19 and Its Hysteretic Impact on the Tourism System of South Tyrol
      1. Introduction
      2. Literature Review
      3. Methodology
      4. Results and Discussion
      5. Conclusion and Outlook
    3. Nicola Palmer, Amartuvshin Dorjsuren, Nipon Chuamuangphan Local Participation for a Higher Commitment to Destination Development
      1. Introduction
      2. Local Participation and Destination Development Commitment
      3. Our Focus
      4. Local Participation and Destination Development in Kyrgyzstan
      5. Local Participation and Destination Development in Mongolia
      6. Local Participation and Destination Development in Thailand
      7. Motivations, Opportunities and Impacts of Local Participation
      8. Conclusions
    4. Sabrina Seeler, Bernd Eisenstein Residents’ Attitudes and Sustainable Destination Development: Introducing the Tourism Acceptance Score
      1. Introduction
      2. Background and Study Rationale
      3. Research Aims, Methods and Scale Development
      4. Core Results and Discussion: Tourism Acceptance among Germans
      5. Further Results and Discussion
      6. Conclusion, Implications and Outlook
    5. Linda Lundmark, O. Cenk Demiroglu, Iana Nesterova Dogs, Frogs and Degrowth: Sustainable Development and Arctification as a Destination Development Dilemma in Northern Sweden
      1. Introduction
      2. State of the Art – Theory and Current Knowledge
      3. Theoretical, Philosophical and Conceptual Groundings
      4. Methods and Material
      5. Dogs, Frogs and Sustainable Destination Development – Two Cases of Nature-Based Tourism in Arctic Sweden
      6. Discussion and Conclusions
  6. Part III: Developing Accessible Destinations
    1. Cheryl Cockburn-Wootten, Alison McIntosh Principles and Practices of Effective Inclusive Stakeholder Community Engagement
      1. Introduction
      2. Case Study: New Zealand Tourism For All Campaign
      3. Conclusion
    2. Mike Prescott The Role of Universal Design in the Future of Tourism Planning and Development
      1. Introduction
      2. Universal Design
      3. End-to-End Travel Journey for People with Disabilities
      4. Connection Between Universal Design and the Travel Experience
      5. Universal Design in Tourism Planning and Development
      6. Continuous Co-design
      7. JEMMA for Tourism Planning and Development
      8. Case Study
      9. Conclusions
    3. Sofie Borch Nielsen, Maria Visser Maltesen, Bodil Blichfeldt Developing Social Sustainable Tourism for and with People with Hidden Disabilities: Reflections from Fyn, Denmark
      1. Introduction
      2. Theoretical Framework
      3. Methodology
      4. Findings
      5. Conclusion
    4. Nigel Halpern, Brian Garrod, Jillian Rickly, Marcus Hansen Tourism Promotional Materials: Examining the Intersections of Accessibility and Inclusion
      1. Introduction
      2. Accessibility of Promotional Materials
      3. Inclusion in Promotional Materials
      4. Conclusion
    5. Sophie Hayden, Alison McIntosh, Brielle Gillovic Inclusive Destination Management Strategies
      1. Introduction
      2. Definitions and Terminology for Accessible and Inclusive Destination Management
      3. A Framework for Accessible and Inclusive Destination Management Strategies
      4. Conclusion
  7. Part IV: Developing Future-Proof Destinations
    1. Jürgen Schmude, Erik Lindner, Sascha Filimon Business as Usual or Completely Different? COVID-19 and Its Influence on the Participation in Tourism of the German Population
      1. Introduction
      2. Literature Review
      3. Methods and Data
      4. Results
      5. Discussion
      6. Conclusion
      7. Declaration of Interest Statement
    2. Luise Stoltenberg, Natalie Stors Beyond Overtourism, Undertourism, the End of Tourism: New Perspectives for Urban Tourism
      1. Introduction
      2. The City as a (Tourist) Destination
      3. Traditional Concepts of Tourism Space and Tourists in Cities
      4. Towards a Relational Understanding of Tourism Space in Urban Destinations
      5. New Perspectives for Urban Tourism
      6. Overtourism, Undertourism, End of Tourism?
      7. The City as a (Tourist) Destination – Revisited
    3. Nicolai Scherle, Markus Pillmayer Flight and Migration in the Context of Destinations: Conceptional Approaches and Empirical Insights Based on the Repurposing of Tourist Accommodation as Accommodation for Refugees – Case Study Bavaria
      1. Introduction
      2. Selected Insights into a Topic Hardly Discussed to Date: Flight, Migration and Tourism
      3. Methodical Implementation
      4. Selected Empirical Findings
      5. Discussion and Conclusion
    4. Martin Balas, Marius Mayer The Challenge of Climate Change and Net-Zero Emissions for Destinations
      1. Introduction
      2. Contextualising the Climate Crisis in Destinations
      3. Case Study 1: The German Federal State of Lower Saxony
      4. Case Study 2: Kaunertal, Austria
      5. Discussion
      6. Conclusion
    5. Ryan Yung Techno-Utopia or Techno-Dystopia: Current and Future Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence Developments in Destinations
      1. Introduction
      2. Artificial Intelligence
      3. Extended Realities
      4. Paradoxical Implications for Sustainable Destination Developments
      5. Conclusion
    6. Markus Pillmayer, Marcus Hansen, Marion Karl The Contribution of Academia to Destination Development
      1. Why Do We Need a Book on Destination Development?
      2. What Can We Learn from the Different Chapters in This Book?
      3. An Invitation to Act
  8. List of Contributors
  9. Index

Product information

  • Title: Tourism Destination Development
  • Author(s): Markus Pillmayer, Marion Karl, Marcus Hansen
  • Release date: July 2024
  • Publisher(s): De Gruyter
  • ISBN: 9783110794311