Chapter 6

Nuances of Using Technology for Learning

In This Chapter

arrow Defining key technology terms

arrow Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of e-learning

arrow Determining what it takes to deliver successful virtual learning

arrow Summarizing the role of new technology

Regina McMichael CSP, CET, chapter co-author

Essentially, we can break e-learning into two categories: not-too-complicated and complicated. The not-too-complicated option for e-learning, online training, virtual instructor led training (ILT), or synchronous programs involves using simpler software programs or platforms that can be mastered if you adopt computer skills easily. PowerPoint, videos, web conferencing, and more can all be a part of your e-learning initiative.

The complicated option includes the super-charged versions of the not-too-complicated options, known as rapid e-learning software, like Adobe Captivate and Articulate. Rapid e-learning software can do amazing things for your learners and you, but you must be ready to learn new software and computer language to make it worth it your efforts.

This chapter touches on ...

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