Chapter 13

Your Talent Development Role


Bullet Discovering the transformation from training to talent development

Bullet Recognizing the expanded roles for trainers

Bullet Discovering your organization’s learning foundation

Bullet Exploring your organization’s readiness for talent development

Training is not the solution to every problem. You read that several times in this book. Even though training is not the solution to every problem, trainers can be. In fact, that’s what our expanded role from training into talent development is all about. We have training experience, and that’s key to our new role. We are poised to support our organizations in an expanded role called the talent development professional.

Is talent development just another one of those pesky, continuously changing names that we’ve been hanging on trainers over the past couple of decades, like workplace learning and performance professional or learning and development specialist? Trainers are masters at changing our names. But often nothing changes on the job: Yesterday you were a trainer and today you’re a workplace learning ...

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