
1. AWCF Hardware (Aviation) Resource Trends

2. Assessment

3. Conceptual Approach: Multistage Logistics Model

4. Improving System Effectiveness: Integration and Optimization

5. Supply Chain Flows: Materiel, Information, and Financial

6. Demand Volatility in Multistage Supply Chains: The “Bullwhip” Effect

7. Suppressing the “Bullwhip”

8. Supply Chain Strategies

9. Tactical Unit Stage

10. The “Production Function” for Readiness

11. “Production Function”: Components of Readiness

12. “Connecting” Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) to the Supply Chain

13. Capacity, Inventory, and Knowledge

14. Mission Demand Stage

15. Enhanced Class IX Planning: Linking Operational Patterns, Demand Forecasting, and Supply Planning

16. Part Demand: Relative ...

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