Note: Page numbers followed by f refer to figures; page numbers followed by t refer to tables.

action map

—case study for creating (see Grind)

—defined, 55

—establishing the environment for the process, 161–162

—features of a metastory, 164–165

—for Grind, 177

—as a tool for vetting future innovative actions, 165–167

action principles, 179

action quad, 168f

Alison, Mark, 179

American Motors Corporation (AMC), 25

Amplify. See also News Corporation

—Berger, Larry, 85

—as a case study for storydoing, 77–103

—Glover Park, 92

—Gorman, Peter, 85

—Kane, Kristen, 85

—Klein, Joel, 85, 95

—Lexicon, 100

—metastory quad, 101f

—methodology for researching the protagonist, 88–96

—Murdoch, Rupert, 79–82, 95

—naming process, 97, 99–103

—“optimistic intensity,” ...

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