Chapter 9. Selecting an Idea

In This Chapter

  • How to come up with an idea for a Twitter app

  • Why build a Twitter app

  • A description of the demo product, Twooshes

The goal of this chapter is to cover the reasons why you might want to build a Twitter app and help you settle on an idea with wings. Whatever you decide to build, it should be something that interests you, something that users want, and something you can actually build. But the most important thing is to pick something and get started on it.


Most good ideas die before they ever have a chance of being realized. Don't spend too much time thinking up the perfect app. Pick an idea and go with it.

The discussion in this chapter is framed for Twitter applications. However, the concepts in this chapter could be applied to any consumer-based application.


If you don't need inspiration or advice on settling on a Twitter application idea, you can skip this chapter and get started on this book's project demo, Twooshes.

Imagining a Successful Twitter App

For the purpose of this chapter I define success as a popular application with many happy users that satisfies the developer's initial desires for developing the app.

To build a popular application, you can't just consider what you want. You must consider what your users want, and whether you have the skills and resources to deliver that magnificent concept in your head.

When you are thinking up your next application, consider these three points:

  • What is my motivation?

  • What do people want ...

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