References and abbreviations

The following references and abbreviations are used in this book:

References in index of standards:

Foreword.19 Paragraph 19 of the Foreword to Accounting Standards issued by the FRC (March 2018)
FRS 100 Summary (i) Paragraph i of the Summary of FRS 100
FRS 100.4 Paragraph 4 of FRS 100
FRS 100 Appendix I Appendix I:Glossary to FRS 100
FRS 100.AG7 Paragraph 7 of the Application Guidance to FRS 100
FRS 101.10 Paragraph 10 of FRS 101
FRS 101 Appendix I Table 1 Table 1 of Appendix I to FRS 101
FRS 101 Appendix III.2 Paragraph 2 of Appendix III to FRS 101
FRS 101.BC15 Paragraph 15 of the Basis for Conclusions to FRS 101
FRS 102.1A.7 Paragraph 7 of Section 1A of FRS 102
FRS 102.23.9 Paragraph 9 of Section 23 of FRS 102
FRS 102.PBE34.89 Paragraph PBE34.89 of Section 34 of FRS 102
FRS 102 Appendix I Appendix I of FRS 102: Glossary
FRS 102 Appendix II Appendix II of FRS 102: Table of equivalence for company law terminology
FRS 102 Appendix III.5 Paragraph 5 of Appendix III of FRS 102: Note on legal requirements
FRS 102 Appendix IV.1 Paragraph 1 of Appendix IV to FRS 102: Republic of Ireland legal references
FRS 102.BC.B2.7 Paragraph B2.7 of the Basis for Conclusions to FRS 102
FRS 103.1 Paragraph 1 of FRS 103
FRS 103.IG2.15 Paragraph 15 of Section 2 of the Implementation Guidance to accompany FRS 103
FRS 103 Appendix II.5 Paragraph 5 of Appendix II to FRS 103: Definition of an insurance contract
FRS 103.BC18 Paragraph ...

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