The rain was coming down hard as I walked to the subway. A part of me really wanted to “jump the drops,” but I decided on using an umbrella, instead.

Subway rides were much more interesting than they'd previously been, as I had made it a point to speak to at least one person per trip. I'd just turn to someone and say, “So what difference in the world do you want to make today?” Sometimes that person would walk away from me, other times they would ignore me, yet other times they would give me a dirty look or curse at me and then walk away or ignore me. But then there were the times when someone would have a really great, engaging conversation with me. One man even thanked me upon leaving the train, saying that I'd made his day and that he was going to ask that question of someone on every subway ride he took.

After hearing my question as I traveled to Larry's that night, a hunched-over woman with a few long white hairs on her chin answered it by saying, “I existed,” and was silent after that. For a brief second, I could feel the essence of the beggar within her and though she got off at the next station, I contemplated her remark for the rest of the ride, wondering if “just” existing could make a positive difference in the world. I thought back to the woman at the cabin who shared her wisdom by just being and came to the conclusion that since we are all connected—all One—then our thoughts and feelings, our Essence, would be felt by everyone else, always. So making a real difference ...

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