

Absolute value, 23

Accenture, 306

Addition rule, 121123, 126

Adele, 195

Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination, 467469

The Adventures of Pluto Nash, 489

AFT (American Federation of Teachers), 249

Albertson, 119, 128129

Alcoa Inc, 69

α, see Population intercept

Alternative hypotheses:

defined, 313

stating, 315316, 399

Amazon Live Chat, 329

American Express, 69

American Federation of Teachers (AFT), 249

American Statistical Association (ASA), 1213

AMTRAN, 546547

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table, 446, 501502

Anderson, Chris, 195

Angry Birds, 392

Ankiel, Rick, 436, 480

Annie's Inc, 35

Annual Health Survey (Britain), 357

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), 323

ANOVA, one-way, see One-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA)

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) table, 446, 501502

Apple, 350

Apple App Store, 328

A priori approach, 110

Area under the curve:

for exponential distribution, 215216

for uniform distribution, 198

Arithmetic mean, 18. See also Mean

ASA (American Statistical Association), 1213

ASHE (Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings), 323

Association, measures of, see Measures of association

Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP), 210211

AT&T Inc, 69, 550

Audit of Computerized Criminal history, 356

Augustus Caesar, 159

Autocorrelation, 426427

a values, simple linear regression, 396397

Average, 9698. See also Mean


Backstreet Boys, 195

Bain & Company, 230

Balance point, mean as, 18

Bank of America, 69

Bar charts, 4, 3738

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