Aborigines, Australian, 175
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), 312–313
Acetylcholine, 155
Achievement, failure in, 334
ACTH (adreno-corticotropic hormone), 124
Adaptations to negative environments, 298
Adolescent limited children, 318
Adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH), 124
Adult Attachment Interview, 270–272
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), 312–313
Adversities, 303
Affect-as-information perspective, 241
Affect Infusion Model, 241
Affection, 41–42. See also Affiliation
Affective biases, 318
Affective bonding, 147
Affective-cognitive structures, 264
Affective forecasting, 356
Affective styles, 154
and cooperation, 47
and friendships, 220
and groups, 227
Agency, 170
Aggression (aggressive behavior):
in children, 267
in chimpanzees, 47
in emotion-based disorders, 298, 306
between groups, 230
and limbic system, 141
psychopathy and, 345
and reaction to facial expressions, 288
and serotonin, 157
Agoraphobia, 331
Agreeableness, 157, 287–289, 340
Ainsworth, Mary, 269
Alcohol and alcohol abuse, 328
Alexithymia, 174
Alpha male, 46
Altruism, reciprocal, 252
Ambivalent attachment, 267
Amish, 351
Amygdala, 125, 139, 140, 143–146, 148, 150, 151, 156, 164, 200, 308, 336, 337
and appraisal, 171
and bias, 265
and core ...
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