How to do it...

To create a player UI to change the game's quality settings, do the following:

  1. Create a new 3D project and import the BallGame package.
  2. Open the scene named scene0_ballCourt.
  1. In the scene, create a new UI Panel named Panel-quality by choosing menu: Create | UI | Panel.
  2. With the GameObject Panel-quality selected in the Hierarchy, create a new UI Slider named Slider-quality by choosing menu: Create | UI | Slider. This GameObject should be childed to Panel-quality.
  3. With Panel-quality selected in the Hierarchy, create a new UI Text GameObject named Text-quality by choosing menu: Create | UI | Text. This GameObject should be childed to GameObject Panel-quality. In the Inspector, set its Transform Position Y value to -25.
  4. Create ...

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