
Note: page numbers in italic indicate figures.


absolute measure with GUIs 1945

Active check box 69

Add Component 656

Add Grass Texture 87

Add Key for graphs 130, 1301, 131

Add Texture 81

Add Tree 85

AI (artificial intelligence) 225

Align with View 60

alignment 28

Alpha Channel 188

Alpha from Grayscale 115

Alpha textures 188

alpha value of particles over time 1224, 124

Ambient Light 956, 96

ambient music loop 889

Ambient Occlusion 101, 1057, 106, 243

anchor point of graph 129

Angle setting for particle emitter 126, 126

animated light effect 10811, 109, 110

animation 14, 60, 602, 61, 23971; Animator window for 2478, 248; assigning animation controller for 247, 247; baked into mesh assets 244; changing speed of 250, 251; conditions ...

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