To use motion capture data for Humanoid characters, follow these steps:
- First we need to create a rig suitable for Unity's Humanoid characters. In Blender, creating such a rig is quite easy. First enable the Rigify add-on and create a new Human (metarig) object from the Armature section.
- This rig has almost the same structure as Unity's Humanoid rig, but we need to adjust a few things. First, edit the rig and delete the heel.L, heel.R, heel.02.L, and heel.02.R bones from the feet.
- Then delete the palm.01.L, palm.02.L, palm.03.L, palm.04.L, palm.01.R, palm.02.R, palm.03.R, and palm.04.R bones from the hands.
- This gives us a proper Unity Humanoid rig. We can also adjust the T-Pose (a Rigify rig is created in a more relaxed ...