To use root motion for climbing, follow these steps:
- Import the character with Idle, WalkLeft, WalkForward, WalkRight, ToClimb, ClimbIdle, ClimbUp, and ClimbEnd animations.
- Create a new Animator Controller identical to the one from Using root motion to steer a character recipe (with Idle and Steering states).
- Add the Rigidbody component to the character and freeze its rotations.
- Add the Capsule Collider component to the character and make sure its Height and Center properties are set correctly (the Capsule Collider starts at your character's feet).
- Attach the RootMotionSteering.cs script to the character. It should now move (make sure to have a collider on the ground).
- Drag and drop the ToClimb, ClimbIdle, ClimbUp, and