Name index

Adorno, T.H. 158, 214

Alderson, P. 141

Althusser, L. 51, 123, 125

Bacon, F. 16

Benjamin, W. 83, 124

Berkman, A. 133

Bernal, M. 75

Bernheimer, C. 186

Biko, S. 206

Cavell, S. 75

Cézaire, A. 201

Cobb, J. 159

Cockburn, C. 103

Collier, A. 21617

Derrida, J. 13, 14

Descartes, R. 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 23, 61

Devaney, K. 134

Durkheim, E. 2, 79, 10, 11, 18, 612, 63, 64, 65, 129, 130, 1312, 140, 196

Eichenbaum, L. 91

Engels, F. 86

Esterson, A. 217

Fanon, F. 201

Ferenczi, S. 1779, 182, 1846, 187, 1889

Foucault, M. 25, 6970, 72, 74, 105, 106, 1424, 155, 156, 15960, 207, 21213

Frankfurt School 156, 157, 216

Freire, P. 143

Freud, S. 201, 101, 106, 1489, 154, 155, 1601, 1623, 165, 16677, 17982, 1856, 187, 1889

Fromm, E. 46

Garfinkel, ...

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