

    equation, 13, 25

    financial, 2

    managerial, 2

    role in organizations and society, 2

    tax, 2

Accounting information

    external users of, 5–6

    internal users of, 4

Accounts receivable, 16, 31

    budgets, 93–94

    days, 61–62

    forecasting, 73–74

    turnover, 61–62

Accrued expense timing differences, 44–45

Accrued revenue timing differences, 42–44

Accrued taxes, 96

After-tax income targets, achieving, 115

Assets, 15–18, 98–99

    current, 15–16, 59

    financial, 60

    noncurrent, 16–18, 31

    turnover, 55

Assurance, 9–10

Audits, 9–10


Balance sheet(s), 7, 13–22

    assets, 15–18, 98–99

    budgets, 97–99

    forecasted, 73–78

    liabilities, 18–20, 99

    shareholders’ equity, 20–22, 99

Board of Directors, ...

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