Using GIMP

Video description

More than just a book!


Get comfortable with the latest version of GIMP. Don’t just read about it: see it, hear it, with step-by-step video tutorials and valuable audio sidebars. Waymore than just a book, this is all the help you’ll ever need…where you want, when you want!

Learn Fast, Learn Easy!

Usingweb, video, and audio

·         Show Mevideo walks through tasks you’ve just got to see–including bonus advanced techniques

·         Tell Me Moreaudio delivers practical insights straight from the experts

·         Let Me Try Ittasks break down the complex into easy-to-follow, step-by-step sequences

James Pylesis a consultant, author, editor, and technical writer. He has worked as a support technician for a city government IT department, a wireless network vendor, and supported a usability lab for Hewlett-Packard (HP)–and so is familiar with technology from a hands-on perspective. His most recent book is PC Technician Street Smarts 2nd Edition(Sybex, October 2009), completely updated for the 2009 version of the A+ exams. He's also written MCTS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-630(Sybex, March 2008) and SharePoint 2007: The Definitive Guide(O'Reilly, September 2007). In addition, James regularly contributes to Linux Pro Magazineand occasionally writes for Ubuntu User Magazine.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1: What Is GIMP?
    1. TELL ME MORE Media 1.1—What Is Open Source? 00:00:50
    2. TELL ME MORE Media 1.2—What Is XCF? 00:00:36
    3. SHOW ME Media 1.3—Installing Brushes 00:04:03
    4. SHOW ME Media 1.4—Create a Simple Drawing 00:06:01
    5. TELL ME MORE Media 1.5—What Is a Layer? 00:01:17
    6. SHOW ME Media 1.6—Using the Text and Undo Tools 00:03:45
    7. SHOW ME Media 1.7—Scaling an Image 00:03:53
    8. TELL ME MORE Media 1.8—Why Does GIMP Ask to Save as JPEG and Does It Matter? 00:01:29
  2. Chapter 2: Basic Editing
    1. SHOW ME Media 2.1—Cropping a Photo 00:04:38
    2. SHOW ME Media 2.2—Reorienting an Image 00:03:17
    3. SHOW ME Media 2.3—Drawing a Straight Line 00:03:55
    4. SHOW ME Media 2.4—Removing Red Eye from a Photo 00:03:21
    5. SHOW ME Media 2.5—Making an Image Background Transparent 00:03:31
    6. TELL ME MORE Media 2.6—What Is an Image Mode? 00:02:24
    7. TELL ME MORE Media 2.7—What is a Channel? 00:00:34
    8. SHOW ME Media 2.8—Adjusting Brightness and Contrast 00:03:18
    9. SHOW ME Media 2.9—Softening a Photo with Blur Filters 00:03:27
    10. TELL ME MORE Media 2.10—What is Script-Fu? 00:01:12
    11. SHOW ME Media 2.11—Creating Quick Logos 00:03:38
  3. Chapter 3: Managing Colors
    1. TELL ME MORE Media 3.1—What Is a Color Profile? 00:01:06
    2. TELL ME MORE Media 3.2—What Is the RGB Color Model? 00:00:54
    3. SHOW ME Media 3.3—Choosing Color Models 00:03:24
    4. SHOW ME Media 3.4—Using Color Balance 00:03:14
    5. SHOW ME Media 3.5—Using Hue-Saturation 00:03:58
    6. TELL ME MORE Media 3.6—What Is a Color Channel? 00:01:24
    7. SHOW ME Media 3.7—Using Levels to Adjust Color Balance 00:03:28
    8. SHOW ME Media 3.8—Using Levels to Adjust Color Balance 00:04:08
    9. SHOW ME Media 3.9—Making a Black and White Image Using Color Decomposition 00:03:12
    10. SHOW ME Media 3.10—Changing a Background with Color to Alpha 00:03:24
  4. Chapter 4: Using Layers
    1. SHOW ME Media 4.1—Creating a Logo with Layers 00:07:13
    2. TELL ME MORE Media 4.2—What Is a Layer Mode? 00:01:34
    3. TELL ME MORE Media 4.3—What Is a Layer Mask? 00:02:12
    4. SHOW ME Media 4.4—Creating a Simple Banner with Layers 00:03:16
    5. SHOW ME Media 4.5—Creating a Layered Image Using Multiple Images 00:04:12
    6. SHOW ME Media 4.6—Making a Web Page Button with Layers 00:06:05
    7. TELL ME MORE Media 4.7—What Is a Gradient? 00:01:41
    8. SHOW ME Media 4.8—Creating a Layered Photo 00:03:17
    9. SHOW ME Media 4.9—Creating an Abstract Image 00:04:46
  5. Chapter 5: Selecting
    1. SHOW ME Media 5.1—Selecting and Removing Shapes 00:03:41
    2. SHOW ME Media 5.2—Using the Scissors Select Tool 00:03:07
    3. TELL ME MORE Media 5.3—What Is Selecting? 00:00:34
    4. SHOW ME Media 5.4—Using the Bezier Paths Tool 00:03:26
    5. SHOW ME Media 5.5—Using the Foreground Select Tool 00:03:49
    6. TELL ME MORE Media 5.6—What Is the Selection Editor Dialog? 00:01:33
    7. SHOW ME Media 5.7—Making a Quick Vignette Effect on a Photo 00:03:45
    8. SHOW ME Media 5.8—Using QuickMask 00:03:06
    9. SHOW ME Media 5.9—Making a Selection a Mask 00:03:56
    10. SHOW ME Media 5.10—Making a Reflection from a Selection 00:05:37
    11. TELL ME MORE Media 5.11—Reflections the Easy Way 00:01:57
  6. Chapter 6: Using Filters
    1. SHOW ME Media 6.1—Using the Polar Coordinates Filter 00:04:08
    2. SHOW ME Media 6.2—Creating a Text Logo using Multiple Filters 00:04:32
    3. SHOW ME Media 6.3—Reducing Noise in a Photo 00:03:00
    4. TELL ME MORE Media 6.4—What is the Despeckle Filter? 00:00:41
    5. TELL ME MORE Media 6.5—What is the Unsharp Mask 00:03:03
    6. SHOW ME Media 6.6—Adding Lighting Effects and Lens Flare 00:03:55
    7. TELL ME MORE Media 6.7—What is Gradient Flare? 00:03:13
    8. SHOW ME Media 6.8—Creating a Dynamic Desktop Image 00:03:26
    9. SHOW ME Media 6.9—Creating a Cartoon Image of a Photo with Levels 00:03:30
    10. SHOW ME Media 6.10—Creating a Cartoon Image of a Photo with Colors 00:03:12
  7. Chapter 7: File Formats and Image Resolution
    1. SHOW ME Media 7.1—Saving a File as a JPG 00:03:12
    2. SHOW ME Media 7.2—Saving a File as a GIF 00:03:13
    3. SHOW ME Media 7.3—Saving a File as a PNG 00:02:53
    4. SHOW ME Media 7.4—Saving a File as a TIFF 00:03:41
    5. SHOW ME Media 7.5—Working with Resizing and Resolution 00:03:02
    6. TELL ME MORE Media 7.6—What Is a Spectral Resolution? 00:00:33
    7. TELL ME MORE Media 7.7—What Is Temporal Resolution? 00:00:37
    8. TELL ME MORE Media 7.8—What Is a Radiometric Resolution? 00:00:37
  8. Chapter 8: Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Work
    1. SHOW ME Media 8.1—Using the Zoom Tool 00:03:18
    2. SHOW ME Media 8.2—Using the Measure Tool 00:03:13
    3. SHOW ME Media 8.3—Using the Shear Tool to Shift an Image 00:03:45
    4. SHOW ME Media 8.4—Using the Clone Tool 00:03:10
    5. TELL ME MORE Media 8.5—What Is Sepia Tone? 00:01:14
    6. SHOW ME Media 8.6—Creating a Sepia Tone Image with a Filter 00:03:30
    7. SHOW ME Media 8.7—Creating a Sepia Tone Image Using Levels 00:03:59
    8. SHOW ME Media 8.8—Lightening Up an Image with Dodge 00:03:14
    9. SHOW ME Media 8.9—Adding Texture with Bump Map 00:03:22
    10. SHOW ME Media 8.10—Selectively Colorizing an Image 7 00:04:16
    11. SHOW ME Media 8.11—Healing Image Imperfections 00:02:56
    12. SHOW ME Media 8.12—Finding More Tool Options Features 00:03:28
    13. TELL ME MORE Media 8.13—How to Configure Keyboard Shortcuts 00:01:49
    14. SHOW ME MORE Media 8.14—Getting GIMP Help on your Computer 00:03:02
    15. TELL ME MORE Media 8.15—How to Get More Help with GIMP on the Web 00:00:40

Product information

  • Title: Using GIMP
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: July 2010
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9780132377966