
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

Airfoil simulation, 141, 142f, 142t–143t
Amdahl’s law
granularity, 46
processor time, 47, 48f
speedup, 46
ANSYS Fluent
benchmarks, 122–124
eddy dissipation, 124–127, 125f, 126t–127t
efficiency, 124
flow over airfoil, 127–128, 127f, 128t–129t
performance rating, 122
problem sizes, with single machine, 134–138, 136f–137f
speedup, 124
storage, 122, 124t
truck 111 million cells, 134, 135t–136t
truck body 14 million cells, 130, 132f, 133t–134t, 135f
WinHPC environment, 172f
cores and sockets, 177–178, 178f–179f
expanded menu, 173, 174f–175f
Fluent directory sharing, 170, 171f
installation and configuration, 170
journal files, 174–175
Map network ...

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