

absolute goal, 54, 58

acceptance, 211, 219, 354, 358, 359

accepting or rejecting an offer, 98100 see also commitment

active listening, 59, 153154, 160161

adverse terms, 172

alliances, 21

allocation of resources, 16

alternatives, 56, 61, 67, 100102, 108, 191192, 325341, 353

anchoring, 270, 289290

angel investors, 221

anticipate pitfalls, 175179

artificial limits, 256258

aspiration price, 267272

assumptions, 151, 354355

crippling, 354355

empowering, 354355

attributions, 151152

attribution trap, 151

authority, 219, 275

availability bias, 274


bargaining, 6568, 206, 266, 272273, 303

bargaining concepts, 267272, 336, 369

bargaining style, 67, 68, see negotiation style

bargaining tension, 6768

BATNA, 56, 61, 100102, 325 ...

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