


These attributes can be placed on methods. The behavior of most of these is obvious and the same as for FieldAttributes. The others are used for specifying the structure of the object vTable.

Public Enum MethodAttributes
                  ReuseSlot = 0
                  PrivateScope = 0
                  Private = 1
                  FamANDAssem = 2
                  Assembly = 3
                  Family = 4
                  FamORAssem = 5
                  Public = 6
                  MemberAccessMask = 7
                  UnmanagedExport = 8
                  Static = 16
                  Final = 32
                  Virtual = 64
                  HideBySig = 128
                  VtableLayoutMask = 256
                  NewSlot = 256
                  Abstract = 1024
                  SpecialName = 2048
                  RTSpecialName = 4096
                  PinvokeImpl = 8192
                  HasSecurity = 16384
                  RequireSecObject = 32768
                  ReservedMask = 53248
End Enum


System.ObjectSystem.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) MethodAttributes

Returned By


Passed To

System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.{DefineGlobalMethod(), DefinePInvokeMethod()}, System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.{DefineConstructor(), DefineDefaultConstructor(), DefineMethod(), DefinePInvokeMethod()}

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